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hello again. today was really nice :D ! i started a book that really caught my attention, ive only read the first chapter though. its called the sentence by louise erdrich. seems supernatural and the main character is awesome! i also took a lovely walk in the woods with my partner and met a gracious spirit that imparted wisdom upon me, giving me greater faith in the earth's ability to come back from our mutilation of it.

things will be okay. this isnt the first time the earth has purged its life and come back from it, but that doesn't in any way detract from our need to thwart global warming. there is still beautiful life, and our species, to be saved even if the earth will be fine either way.

i recommend trying to befriend the local spirits of your area. you might learn something new, or walk away feeling more whole from it. its okay to not know what you are doing, the spirits understand the infantile nature of our species. i hope you are all well, and feel free to follow my site if you are interested in the life of the most boring girl in the world ;)


hello internet!! my name is luci and this is my first blog post! although not really... i have tried many times before to create a blog but it never stuck.

i am hoping to be more successful in my committment this time around. i am currently struggling a lot with something called POTS. this is a disability that makes it

so that when i stand up all the blood in my body falls out of my head and down to my feet. theres not enough blood in my brain and i feel like im gonna pass out!

its super fun and hasnt ruined my life at all :) (: ..... in all seriousness i feel as though my life has been stolen from me by some evil wizard who put this

dastardly curse on me. my identity, which was previously tied up in the career i was pursuing, has been shattered now that those dreams are unavailable. i am

scooping up the pieces in my hands to get back there but they are just slicing me up. so i must start anew! hopefully this blog will give me a sense of purpose

in my otherwise drab and empty life! perhaps my place in the world is on the internet, where i can lay down while i work on stuff and keep all the blood in my brain...

so thats where im at! i appreciate you reading this, and i promise not all my posts will be about the curse. im just having a tough time with it today,,,,